Sunday, June 24, 2012

THE VOYAGE - Day 4 - 24th June 2012

London, as even the media-challenged earthworms in my back garden know, is hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. In order to ensure the provinces don't feel left out of the proceedings, a series of large events have been taking place around the country under the umbrella name of  the London2012 Festival. (London!! How to feel excluded in one word).  Methinks #brum2012 for this event.
Here in Birmingham we were scheduled to have 4* nightly performances of a very spectacular combination of dance, aerial acrobatics, funambulism, music and stunning projection effects... centred around a very large ship constructed in Victoria Square, with the Town Hall providing a backdrop. Groups of performers moved through the spectators (approximately 5000 each night) and thus people further away from the ship had extra visual delights to entertain them.
*I went on the first night which was cancelled due to torrential rain, and also to the last night when these photographs were taken. Some may be a tad grainy on large screens.

Early evening.

Never again will a suitcase be just an item of luggage.

It's all over now.